Terms & Conditions

Welcome to FanMaid!

This policy took effect on 2nd of Janurary 2025.

Please note that Section 11 of the Terms below contains a binding arbitration agreement and class action waiver for users in North and South America. By agreeing to the Terms, you and FanMaid agree to submit any disputes between us exclusively to individual arbitration and not to sue in court, except in the limited circumstances described below.

Accepting These Terms
Those Other Documents We Mentioned
Your Privacy
Your Account with FanMaid
Your Content
Your Use of Our Services
Warranties and Limitation of Liability (or the Things You Can’t Sue Us For)
Indemnification (and What Happens If You Get Us Sued)
Disputes with Other Users
Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Agreement (North and South America)
Dispute Resolution (Rest of World)
Changes to the Terms
Some Finer Legal Points
Contact Information
1. Accepting These Terms
This document and the other documents that we reference below make up our house rules, or what we officially call our Terms of Use (the “Terms” for short).

The Terms are a legally binding contract between you and FanMaid. If you live in North America or South America, the contract is between you and FanMaid, Inc.; if you live elsewhere, the contract is between you and FanMaid Ireland UC, a subsidiary of FanMaid, Inc. We’ll just refer to FanMaid, Inc. and all of its subsidiaries collectively as “FanMaid”.

Please note that Section 11 contains an arbitration clause and class action waiver, applicable to users in North and South America, and explains how to opt out of arbitration. Unless you validly opt out, you agree to resolve any disputes with FanMaid exclusively through binding individual arbitration, with only limited exceptions. This means you and FanMaid are waiving the right to sue in court, have a trial by jury, or participate in a class or representative action. Please read this Section carefully, as it affects your rights.

This contract sets out your rights and responsibilities when you use FanMaid.com, Pattern by FanMaid, our mobile apps, and the other services provided by FanMaid (we’ll refer to all of these collectively as our “Services”), so please read it carefully. By using any of our Services (even just browsing one of our websites or apps), you’re agreeing to the Terms. If you don’t agree with the Terms, you may not use our Services. Agree with us? Great, read on!

2. Those Other Documents We Mentioned
FanMaid’s Services connect people around the world, both online and offline, to make, sell, and buy unique goods. Here’s a handy guide to help you understand the specific rules that are relevant for you, depending on how you use the Services:

Our House Rules for Everyone. If you use any of our Services, you agree to these Terms, our Privacy Policy, and our Anti-Discrimination Policy.

Our House Rules for Sellers. If you list any items for sale through our Services, these policies apply to you. You can read them here.

Our House Rules for Buyers. If you use our Services to browse or shop, these policies apply to you. You can read them here.

Our House Rules for Third Parties. These policies apply to intellectual property owners, FanMaid API users, affiliates, and anyone requesting information from FanMaid.

Search and Advertising Ranking Disclosures. This is a concise summary of how FanMaid organises search results and advertising results that could include Your Content.

All of these policies are a part of our Terms, so be sure to read the ones that are relevant for you. Of course, you’ll still want to read the rest of this document because it applies to everyone!

3. Your Privacy
We know your personal information is important to you, so it’s important to us. Our Privacy Policy details how your information is collected, used and shared when you use our Services. By using our Services, you're also agreeing that we can process your information in the ways set out in the Privacy Policy, so please read it here.

Both FanMaid and sellers process members’ personal information (for example, buyer name, email address, and delivery address) and are therefore considered separate and independent data controllers of buyers’ personal information under EU law. That means that each party is responsible for the personal information it processes in providing the Services. For example, if a seller accidentally discloses a buyer’s name and email address when fulfilling another buyer’s order, the seller, not FanMaid, will be responsible for that unauthorised disclosure.  

If, however, you (as a seller) and FanMaid are found to be joint data controllers of buyers’ personal information, and if FanMaid is sued, fined, or otherwise incurs expenses because of something that you did (or failed to do) as a joint data controller of buyer personal information, then you agree to defend and indemnify FanMaid in accordance with Section 9 below.

4. Your Account with FanMaid
You’ll need to create an account with FanMaid to use some of our Services. Here are a few rules about accounts with FanMaid:

A. You must be 18 years or older to use our Services. Minors under 18 and at least 13 years of age are only permitted to use our Services through an account owned by a parent or legal guardian with their appropriate permission and under their direct supervision. Children under 13 years are not permitted to use FanMaid or the Services. You are responsible for any and all account activity conducted by a minor on your account, and there may be commercial products or services available that you may want to consider to limit a minor's access to material online. For more information, see FanMaid's Minors Policy.

B. Be honest with us. Provide accurate information about yourself. It’s prohibited to use false information or impersonate another person or company through your account.

C. Choose an appropriate name. If you decide to not have your full name serve as the name associated with your account, you may not use language that is offensive, vulgar, infringes someone’s intellectual property rights, or otherwise violates the Terms.

D. You're responsible for your account. You’re solely responsible for any activity on your account. If you’re sharing an account with other people, then the person whose financial information is on the account will ultimately be responsible for all activity. If you’re registering as a business entity, you personally guarantee that you have the authority to agree to the Terms on behalf of the business. Accounts are generally not transferable.

E. Protect your password. As we mentioned above, you’re solely responsible for any activity on your account, so it’s important to keep your account password secure. Here’s a Help article on how to make your account more secure.

F. Let's be clear about our relationship. These Terms don't create any agency, partnership, joint venture, employment, or franchisee relationship between you and FanMaid.

G. Cases and Appeals. To participate in our case system (as described in Section 10), or to appeal an action by FanMaid, you must have an account.

This detailed Help article should answer any questions you may have about registering an account with FanMaid.

5. Your Content
Content that you post using our Services is your content (so let’s refer to it as “Your Content”). We don’t make any claim to it, which includes anything you post using our Services (like shop names, profile pictures, listing photos, listing descriptions, reviews, comments, videos, usernames, etc.).

A. Responsibility for Your Content. You understand that you are solely responsible for Your Content. You represent that you have all necessary rights to all parts of Your Content and that you’re not infringing or violating any third party’s rights by posting it.

B. Permission to Use Your Content. By posting Your Content through our Services, you grant FanMaid and, as authorised by FanMaid in its sole discretion, third parties, a licence to use it. We don’t claim any ownership to Your Content, but we have your permission to use it to help FanMaid function and grow. That way, we won’t infringe any rights you have in Your Content and we can help promote it. For example, you acknowledge and agree FanMaid may offer you or FanMaid buyers promotions on the Site, from time to time, that may relate to your listings or other listings on FanMaid.

C. Rights You Grant FanMaid. (Here’s the legalese version of the last section). By posting Your Content, you grant FanMaid and, as authorised by FanMaid in its sole discretion, third parties, a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable, sub-licensable, perpetual licence to use, display, edit, modify, reproduce, distribute, store, and prepare derivative works of Your Content. This allows us to provide the Services and to promote FanMaid, your FanMaid shop, other shops and listings, or the Services in general, in any formats and through any channels, including across any FanMaid Services, our partners, or third-party website or advertising medium. You agree not to assert any moral rights or rights of publicity against us for using Your Content. You also recognise our legitimate interest in using it, in accordance with the scope of this license, to the extent Your Content contains any personal information.

That sounds like a lot, but it’s necessary for us to keep FanMaid going. Consider these examples: if you upload a photo or video of a listing on your FanMaid shop, we have permission to display it to buyers, and we can resize or enhance it so it looks good to a buyer using our mobile app; if you post a description in English, we can translate it into French so a buyer in Paris can learn the story behind your item; and if you post a beautiful photo or video of your latest handmade necklace, we can feature it - often along with your shop name and shop picture - on our homepage, in one of our blogs or even on a billboard to help promote your business and FanMaid’s.

D. Reporting Unauthorised Content. FanMaid has great respect for intellectual property rights, and is committed to following appropriate legal procedures to remove infringing content from the Services. If content that you own or have rights to has been posted to the Services without your permission and you want it removed, please follow the steps listed in our Intellectual Property Policy. If Your Content is alleged to infringe another person’s intellectual property, we will take appropriate action, such as disabling it if we receive a report of infringement that complies with our policies, or terminating your account if you are found to be a repeat infringer. We’ll notify you if any of that happens.

E. Inappropriate, False, or Misleading Content. This should be common sense, but there are certain types of content we don’t want posted on FanMaid’s Services (for legal reasons or otherwise). You agree that you will not post any content that is abusive, threatening, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, or otherwise offensive or in violation of our Prohibited Items Policy, Community Policy, or any part of our Terms. You also agree not to post any content that is false and misleading or uses the Services in a manner that is fraudulent or deceptive.

6. Your Use of Our Services
License to Use Our Services. We grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to use our Services - subject to the Terms and the following restrictions in particular:

A. Don’t Use Our Services to Break the Law. You agree that you will not violate any laws in connection with your use of the Services. This includes any local, state, federal, and international laws that may apply to you. For example, it’s your responsibility to obtain any permits or licences that your shop requires, and to meet applicable legal requirements in applicable jurisdiction(s). This includes the sale and delivery of your items, such as age verification upon delivery, where required by law. You may not sell anything that violates any laws; you must comply with our Sanctions Policy, and you may not engage in fraud (including false claims or infringement notices), theft, anti-competitive conduct, threatening conduct, or any other unlawful acts or crimes against FanMaid, another FanMaid user, or a third party.

B. Pay Your Bills. You are responsible for paying all fees that you owe to FanMaid. Except as set forth below, you are also solely responsible for collecting and/or paying any applicable taxes for any purchases or sales you make through our Services. Where applicable, FanMaid will calculate, collect and remit value-added tax or VAT and sales tax. Some countries may refer to VAT using other terms, e.g. Goods and Services Tax (GST), but we’ll just refer to VAT, GST, and any local sales taxes collectively as “VAT”. Please see this FAQ and our Fees & Payments Policy for more information on taxes, including details on the taxes FanMaid collects and remits from the buyers. Your fees, bills, taxes, and how you can pay them are fully explained in our Fees & Payments Policy.

C. Don’t Steal Our Stuff. You agree not to crawl, scrape, or spider any page of the Services or to reverse engineer or attempt to obtain the source code of the Services (including both FanMaid Intellectual Property and Seller Content) without our express permission. If you want to use our API, please follow our API Terms of Use.

D. Don’t Try to Harm Our Systems. You agree not to interfere with or try to disrupt our Services, for example by distributing a virus, excessive requests to our site or platform, or other harmful computer code.

E. Follow Our Trademark Policy. The name "FanMaid" and the other FanMaid marks, phrases, logos, and designs that we use in connection with our Services (the FanMaid Trademarks), are trademarks, service marks, or trade dress of FanMaid in the US and other countries. If you’d like to use our trademarks, you agree to follow our Trademark Policy.

F. Share Your Ideas. We love your suggestions and ideas! They can help us improve your experience and our Services. Any ideas or other materials you submit to FanMaid (not including Your Content or items you sell through our Services) are considered non-confidential and non-proprietary to you. You grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable, sub-licensable, perpetual license to use and publish those ideas and materials for any purpose, without compensation to you.

G. Talk to Us Online. From time to time, FanMaid will provide you with certain legal information in writing. By using our Services, you’re agreeing to our Electronic Communications Policy, which describes how we provide that information to you. It says that we can send you information electronically (such as by email) instead of mailing you paper copies (it’s better for the environment), and that your electronic agreement is the same as your signature on paper.

7. Termination
Termination By You. We'd hate to see you go, but you may terminate your account with FanMaid at any time from your account settings. You can find more information in this Help article. Terminating your account will not affect the availability of some of Your Content that you posted through the Services prior to termination. Oh, and you’ll still have to pay any outstanding bills.

Termination By FanMaid. We may terminate or suspend your account (and any accounts FanMaid determines are related to your account) and your access to the Services should we have reason to believe you, your Content, or your use of the Services violate our Terms. If we do so, it’s important to understand that you don’t have a contractual or legal right to continue to use our Services, for example, to sell or buy on our websites or mobile apps. Generally, FanMaid will notify you that your account has been terminated or suspended, unless you’ve repeatedly violated our Terms or we have legal or regulatory reasons preventing us from notifying you.

If you or FanMaid terminate your account, you may lose any information associated with your account, including Your Content.

We May Discontinue the Services FanMaid reserves the right to change, suspend, or discontinue any of the Services for you, any or all users, at any time, for any reason, including those laid out in FanMaid’s policies under these Terms of Use. We will not be liable to you for the effect that any changes to the Services may have on you, including your income or your ability to generate revenue through the Services.

Survival. The Terms will remain in effect even after your access to the Service is terminated, or your use of the Service ends.

8. Warranties and Limitation of Liability (or the Things You Can’t Sue Us For)
Items You Purchase. You understand that FanMaid does not manufacture, store, or inspect any of the items sold through our Services. We provide the venue; the items in our marketplaces are produced, listed, and sold directly by independent sellers, so FanMaid cannot and does not make any warranties about their quality, safety, authenticity, or their legality. Any legal claim related to an item you purchase must be brought directly against the seller of the item. You release FanMaid from any claims related to items sold through our Services, including for defective items, misrepresentations by sellers, or items that caused physical injury (like product liability claims).

Content You Access. You may come across materials that you find offensive or inappropriate while using our Services. We make no representations concerning any content posted by users through the Services. FanMaid is not responsible for the accuracy, copyright compliance, legality, or decency of content posted by users that you accessed through the Services. You release us from all liability relating to that content.

People You Interact With. You can use the Services to interact with other individuals, either online or in person. However, you understand that we do not screen users of our Services other than to meet certain compliance and legal obligations, and you release us from all liability relating to your interactions with other users. Please be careful and exercise caution and good judgement in all interactions with others, especially if you are meeting someone in person. This Help article has some good advice about handling in-person meetings.

Third-Party Services. Our Services may contain links to third-party websites or services that we don’t own or control (for example, links to Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest). You may also need to use a third party’s product or service in order to use some of our Services (like a compatible mobile device to use our mobile apps). When you access these third-party services, you do so at your own risk. The third parties may require you to accept their own terms of use. FanMaid is not a party to those agreements; they are solely between you and the third party.

Gift Cards and Promotions. You acknowledge that FanMaid does not make any warranties with respect to your Gift Card balance and is not responsible for any unauthorised access to, or alteration, theft, or destruction of a Gift Card or Gift Card code that results from any action by you or a third party. You also acknowledge that we may suspend or prohibit use of your Gift Card if your Gift Card or Gift Card code has been reported lost or stolen, or if we believe your Gift Card balance is being used suspiciously, fraudulently, or in an otherwise unauthorised manner. If your Gift Card code stops working, your only remedy is for us to issue you a replacement Gift Card code. By participating in a special offer or promotion, you agree that you may not later claim that the rules of that special offer or promotion were ambiguous.




9. Indemnification (and What Happens If You Get Us Sued)
We hope this never happens, but if FanMaid gets sued or receives a claim, notice, or demand because of something that you did (or failed to do), you agree to defend and indemnify us. That means, without limitation, you’ll defend, reimburse, compensate, and hold FanMaid (including any of our employees, officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, and affiliates) harmless from any allegation, claim, demand, lawsuit, loss, liability, or expense of any kind (including reasonable lawyer’s fees) that arises from your actions, your use (or misuse) of our Services, your breach of the Terms, items you buy or sell through the Services, and/or your actual or alleged violation of any law or any third party’s rights. We reserve the right to handle our legal defence however we see fit, even if you are indemnifying us, in which case you agree to cooperate with us so we can execute our strategy.

10. Disputes with Other Users
If you find yourself in a dispute with another user of FanMaid’s Services or a third party, we encourage you to contact the other party and try to resolve the dispute amicably.

Case System. Buyers and sellers who are unable to resolve a dispute related to a transaction on our websites or mobile apps may participate in our case system with a registered account. You can find details about the case system in this Help article. In our sole discretion, FanMaid will attempt to help you resolve disputes in good faith, but we will not make judgements or determinations regarding legal issues or claims. FanMaid has no obligation to resolve, or to assist in resolving, any disputes.

Release of FanMaid. You release FanMaid from any claims, demands, and damages arising out of disputes with other users or third parties.

11. Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver
If you’re upset with us, let us know, and we’ll work together in good faith to resolve your issue. But if we can’t work it out, then you and FanMaid (including our employees, officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, and affiliates) agree to submit our disputes exclusively to binding individual arbitration, and we won’t sue each other in court before a judge or jury, except in the limited circumstances described below.

This Section 11 (which we’ll also refer to as the “Arbitration Agreement” or “Agreement”) applies only if you are a user in North or South America, and applies to the fullest extent allowable by law.

Please read this Section carefully, as it affects your rights.

A. Disputes that We’ll Arbitrate. You and FanMaid agree to mandatory individual arbitration for all claims arising from or relating to the Services, these and prior versions of the Terms, any products, data, or content bought, sold, offered, accessed, displayed, transmitted, or listed through the Services, and actions or statements by FanMaid or its users, in each case including disputes that arose before the effective date of these Terms (each, a “Dispute”). The exception is that we each may (1) bring qualifying individual claims in “small claims” court, so long as those claims remain in small claims court; and (2) seek injunctive relief in court for infringement or misuse of intellectual property rights (like trademarks, copyrights, and patents). All other Disputes must be arbitrated, which means you and FanMaid are each waiving your right to sue in court and have a court or jury trial.

B. Class and Representative Action Waiver. You and FanMaid agree that each of us may bring claims against the other only on an individual basis, and not on a class, representative, or collective basis (and we each waive any right we have to bring such claims). We each may only seek or obtain individualised relief, and, except as provided in Section 11.F (Batch Arbitration), disputes between us cannot be arbitrated or consolidated with those of any other person or entity. If a court (after exhaustion of all appeals) decides that any part of this Section 11.B is unenforceable as to a particular claim or request for relief (e.g., public injunctive relief), then solely that particular claim or request for relief shall be severed from the arbitration and may be litigated in court (but only after the arbitrator issues an award on the arbitrable claims and remedies).

C. Informal Dispute Resolution. Before filing an arbitration, you and FanMaid will try in good faith to resolve any Dispute informally. To start the dispute process, you must send an individualised written notice (“Notice of Dispute”) to disputeresolution@fanmaid.com that includes (1) your name, phone number, username and shop name (if applicable), and email address for your account, and (2) a description of the Dispute and how you’d like it resolved. If FanMaid has a Dispute with you, we will send a Notice of Dispute with the same information to the email address for your account. Once a complete Notice of Dispute has been received, the recipient has 60 days to investigate the claims. If either side requests a settlement conference during this period, then you and FanMaid must cooperate to schedule that meeting by phone or videoconference. You and FanMaid each will personally participate and can each bring counsel, but the conference must be individualised, even if the same firm(s) represent multiple parties. For the claims in the Notice of Dispute, any statute of limitations will be tolled from the date the notice is received until the later of (i) 60 days, or (ii) after a timely requested settlement conference is completed (“Informal Resolution Period”). An arbitration cannot be filed until the Informal Resolution Period has ended, and a court can enjoin the filing or prosecution of an arbitration in breach of this Section.

D. Arbitration Rules and Procedures. To initiate arbitration, either you or we must file an arbitration demand with the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”). You may serve FanMaid with any arbitration demand by post to: FanMaid, Inc. c/o The Corporation Trust Company, 1209 Orange Street, Wilmington, DE 19801. If FanMaid has a dispute with you, we will send an arbitration demand to the email address for your account. If the AAA cannot or will not administer the arbitration in accordance with Section 11, you and we will select another provider (and if we can’t agree, a court will choose the provider).

The arbitration will be conducted in the English language by a single arbitrator. The arbitration hearing (if any) will be held by videoconference, unless either party requests an in-person hearing and the arbitrator agrees. If an in-person hearing is required, it will be held in the county where you live (for US residents), New York County, New York (for non-US residents), or as determined by the arbitrator (in the case of Batch Arbitration).

The arbitration will be decided under AAA’s Consumer Arbitration Rules, as modified by this Agreement. But if you are using the Services as a business and either your or FanMaid’s claims exceed $75,000, the AAA’s Commercial Arbitration Rules will apply, as modified by this Agreement. As in court, the arbitrator shall apply governing law, any counsel must comply with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11(b), and the arbitrator may impose any sanctions available under the AAA Rules, Rule 11, or other applicable law. The arbitrator also shall enforce statutes of limitations and other time-based defences, offers of judgement/compromise and fee-shifting rules in the same way as a court would.

The arbitrator will have exclusive authority to resolve all issues, except that a court has exclusive authority to decide issues related to the arbitrability of a dispute, the enforceability of any part of this Section 11 (Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Agreement), and either party’s compliance with Section 11.C (Informal Dispute Resolution). Except as provided in Section 11.F (Batch Arbitration), the arbitrator can award damages and other relief only in favour of the individual claimant, and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by the claimant’s individual claim(s). The arbitrator will not be bound by decisions reached in other arbitrations. The arbitrator’s award is final and binding on you and FanMaid. Judgement on the award may be entered in any court with jurisdiction.

E. Arbitration Fees. Payment of all filing, case-management, administrative, hearing, and arbitrator fees (“Arbitration Fees”) will be governed by the AAA’s rules and fee schedules, unless otherwise stated in this Arbitration Agreement. If you are a consumer and your share of Arbitration Fees is more than you’d otherwise pay in court, let us know, and FanMaid will pay the difference on your behalf.

F. Batch Arbitration. To ensure efficient resolution, if within a 90-day period, 25 or more claimants submit Notices of Dispute or file arbitrations raising similar claims (i.e., with the same or similar facts or events and legal issues) and are represented by the same or coordinated counsel, the disputes must be arbitrated in batches of up to 50 claimants each (“Batch”). Specifically, upon notice from either side, the AAA shall group the claimants into: (1) a single Batch (if there are 25-50 claimants), or (2) Batches of 50 claimants each, with a smaller, final Batch consisting of any remaining claimants (if there are more than 50 claimants). The AAA shall thereafter provide for the resolution of each Batch as a single consolidated arbitration with a single arbitrator appointed by the AAA, one set of Arbitration Fees, and one hearing (if any) per Batch to be held by videoconference (or in a place decided by the arbitrator). The parties will cooperate in good faith to implement this process and minimise the time and costs of arbitration. Any challenges to administrative determinations by AAA shall be heard by a single process arbitrator. If this Section 11.F is deemed unenforceable as to a particular claimant or Batch, then it shall be severed as to that claimant or Batch, and those parties shall arbitrate in individual proceedings.

G. Opt out. You have a limited right to opt out of this Arbitration Agreement (excluding Section 11.I). Specifically, iIf you are a new user of our Services, you can opt out of this Arbitration Agreement within 30 days after you first accept the Terms. If you are an existing user of our Services, you can opt out within 30 days after the effective date (listed above). To opt out, you must send a timely email to arbitrationoptout@fanmaid.com with your name, the email address for your account, your username and your shop name (if applicable), and a request to opt out of arbitration. If you validly opt out, neither FanMaid nor you will be required to arbitrate as a result of this (or any prior version of the) Arbitration Agreement, but the Terms (and any other agreements between us) will otherwise apply to you. If we update the Terms after you validly opt out, we will continue to respect your opt-out, but such updates do not provide a new opportunity to opt out of arbitration.

H. Future Changes to the Arbitration Agreement. FanMaid will notify you of material changes to this Arbitration Agreement at least 30 days before they become effective. You may reject future changes to the Arbitration Agreement by emailing arbitrationchanges@fanmaid.com within 30 days after you receive notice, including your name, email address associated with your account, and your FanMaid account(s). Otherwise, you’ll be bound by the change, and the modified Arbitration Agreement shall apply to all Disputes between you and FanMaid, including those arising before the effective date of the changes, but excluding any claims pending in arbitration (or court, if permitted) as of the effective date. If you reject a change, you’ll be bound by the most recent version of the Arbitration Agreement before the change you rejected.

I. Choice of Law and Forum. FanMaid is based in New York, so if there are claims between you and FanMaid that aren’t subject to arbitration, you and FanMaid each agree to litigate those claims exclusively in state or federal court in New York County, New York, and to submit to the personal jurisdiction of those courts. The exception is if you file in small claims court – you can do that in the county of your residence. Except as prohibited by law, these Terms, and all disputes between us, shall be governed exclusively by New York law, without regard to conflict-of-law rules, and U.S. federal law (including the Federal Arbitration Act). For clarity, this Section 11.I will continue to apply even if you validly opt out of arbitration under Section 11.G.

12. Dispute Resolution (Rest of World)
This Section 12 applies if your country of principal residence or establishment is within Europe (including the European Economic Area, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom), Asia, Australia, or Africa. Because your contract is with FanMaid Ireland, we each agree that the Terms and any disputes between us will be exclusively governed by Irish law, and exclusively decided in the courts of Ireland, except to the extent prohibited by law. If you are an individual consumer, you may be entitled to invoke the mandatory consumer protection laws of your country of residence, and/or to bring legal proceedings in the courts of that country. If FanMaid needs to enforce its rights against you as an individual consumer, we will do so only in your country of residence. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is excluded.

If a dispute arises between you and FanMaid, we encourage you to contact FanMaid Support to seek a resolution, and/or to follow the Informal Dispute Resolution process outlined in Section 11.C above. For EU sellers, you may view information about the Platform-to-Business (“P2B”) Regulation here, and you may raise a concern related to P2B here. You or FanMaid also may refer qualifying disputes to mediation before the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution or resolution through the European Commission's online dispute resolution platform.

13. Changes to the Terms
We may update these Terms from time to time, including by adding entirely new terms and deleting existing terms. If the changes are material, we’ll let you know in advance by posting the changes through the Services and/or sending you an email or message about the changes. Your use of the Services after the effective date of the changes constitutes your acceptance of the updated Terms. If you do not agree with the changes, you may close your account.

14. Some Finer Legal Points
The Terms, including all of the policies that make up the Terms, supersede any other agreement between you and FanMaid regarding the Services. Except as provided in Section 11, if any part of the Terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable, that part will be limited to the minimum extent necessary and severed so that the Terms will otherwise remain in full force and effect. Our failure to enforce any part of the Terms is not a waiver of our right to later enforce that or any other part of the Terms. We may assign any of our rights and obligations under the Terms.

15. Contact Information
If you have any questions about the Terms, please email us at dmca@fanmaid.com

Policy for Sellers

This policy is a part of our Terms of Use. By opening an FanMaid shop, you’re agreeing to this policy and our Terms of Use

Selling Basics
a. What can be sold on FanMaid
b. What can't be sold on FanMaid
c. Managing your FanMaid shop
d. Seller Standards
e. Selling Fees

Being a Member of the FanMaid Community
a. Creating and Uploading Content
b. Privacy and Protecting Personal Information
c. Communication Standards
i. Messages
ii. Forums/Teams
iii. Communicating Cancellations

Feedback, Cases, and Your Success
a. Reviews
b. FanMaid’s Case System
c. FanMaid's Purchase Protection Programme for Sellers
d. Your Seller Account and FanMaid’s Terms
1. Selling Basics
Keeping in mind these basic requirements will set you up for success on FanMaid.

a. What can be sold on FanMaid

FanMaid is a unique marketplace. Buyers come here to purchase items that they might not find anywhere else. Everything listed for sale on FanMaid must be handmade, vintage or a craft supply.

Handmade items are items that are made and/or designed by you, the seller. Read our full Handmade Policy here.

If you sell handmade items, you agree that:

All handmade items are made or designed by you. If you work with a production partner, you must disclose that production partner in your relevant listings.
You accurately describe every person involved in the making of an item in your shop in your About section.
You are using your own photographs or video content – not stock photos, artistic renderings, or photos used by other sellers or sites. Read more about using appropriate photographs in this Help article.
If you are selling personalised or made-to-order items in the Handmade category, you agree that:

All listings are available for purchase at a set price.
If you are using photographs of previous work with options for customisation (like colour choices) included in the listing, it is clear in your description that the photos shown are just examples.
For more information on how to list personalised items, please see this Help article.

Vintage items must be at least 20 years old. Click here to learn more about vintage items on FanMaid.

Craft Supplies are tools, ingredients, or materials whose primary purpose is for use in the creation of an item or special occasion. Craft supplies may be handmade, commercial, or vintage. Party supplies may also be sold as craft supplies. Click here to learn more about what may be sold as a craft supply.

We encourage you to be transparent about how your craft supplies were made and where your materials come from. You can disclose whether your items have social or environmental attributes, such as organic or recycled. You can also select the location of manufacture. Learn more here.

b. What can't be Sold on FanMaid

Even if they otherwise meet our marketplace criteria, prohibited items, services, and items that violate our intellectual property policies are not allowed to be sold on FanMaid. All listings must offer an item for sale (which includes digitally delivered items, and can also include reserved listings). You may not create an FanMaid listing for the purpose of sharing a referral code, posting a want ad, or similar activity that does not offer a physical or digital item for sale.

Reselling is not allowed in the handmade category on FanMaid. Reselling refers to listing an item as handmade when you were not involved in designing or making that item.

Keep in mind that members or, in some cases third parties, may flag listings that appear to violate our policies for FanMaid's review. FanMaid may remove any listings that violate our policies. Note that listing fees are non-refundable. FanMaid may also suspend or terminate your account for any violations and you'll still have to pay any outstanding fees on your FanMaid statement. You can find more information in our Fees & Payments Policy.

If you are raising money on behalf of a charity, you must obtain that charity’s consent. Please see this Help article for more information about donating any portion of your sales to charity.

c. Managing your FanMaid Shop

Your shop represents you and your business to the FanMaid community. It’s important that you, your items and your shop are honestly and accurately represented.

By selling on FanMaid, you agree that you will:

Provide honest, accurate information to FanMaid and in your About section.
Honour your Shop Policies.
Ensure your shop content, such as any text, photos or videos used to represent yourself, your shop or your listings, abide by FanMaid’s policies, including our Anti-Discrimination Policy.
Accurately represent your items in listings and listing photos.
Respect the intellectual property of others. If you feel someone has violated your intellectual property rights, you can report it to FanMaid.
Not engage in fee avoidance.
Not create duplicate shops or take any other action (such as manipulating clicks, baskets or sales) for the purpose of shilling, manipulating search or circumventing FanMaid's policies.
Not coordinate pricing with other sellers.
d. Seller Standards By listing a product for sale on FanMaid you understand and agree that you are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations for the products you list for sale, including any required labels and warnings. FanMaid assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, labelling, or content of your listings.

Meeting Service Level Standards

As a seller, you must provide great customer service and maintain trust with your buyers. These requirements are called our Seller Service Level Standards. FanMaid may reach out to you if your shop fails to meet FanMaid's Seller Service Level Standards. Read more here.

By selling on FanMaid, you agree to:

Honour your dispatch and processing times. Sellers are obligated to dispatch an item or otherwise complete a transaction with a buyer in a prompt manner, unless there is an exceptional circumstance. Please be aware that legal requirements for dispatch times vary by country. Read more in our Delivery Policy.
Respond to Messages in a timely manner.
Honour the commitments you make in your shop policies.
Resolve disagreements or order issues directly with the buyer. In the unlikely event that you can’t reach a resolution, FanMaid can help through our case system. Read about your rights and responsibilities regarding cases here.
If you are unable to complete an order, you must notify the buyer and cancel the order. Read about how to cancel an order in this Help article.
e. Selling Fees

Sellers may be charged for using some of FanMaid’s services. There are fees associated with listing, selling, advertising, and certain other FanMaid products and features. You can find information on fees in the Fees and Payments Policy.

2. Being a Member of the FanMaid Community
At FanMaid, everyone is expected to treat fellow members of the FanMaid community with respect. As a seller, you have additional responsibilities to safeguard personal information and communicate promptly with buyers in order to provide a great customer experience.

a. Creating and Uploading Content

As a member of FanMaid, you have the opportunity to create and upload a variety of content, like listings, Messages, text, photos, and videos. In order to keep our community safe and respectful, you agree that you will not upload content that:

Contains hateful or derogatory language or imagery, or any content that is subject to our Anti-Discrimination and Hate Speech Policy;
Contains threats, harassment, extortion, or violates our rules about interference;
Violates someone else’s intellectual property rights;
Is false, deceptive, or misleading;
Contains unsolicited advertising or promotions, requests for donations, or spam;
Contains private information, whether it is your own, or someone else’s;
Encourages or facilitates a transaction that evades the FanMaid checkout process;
Contains prohibited medical drug claims;
Sexualises minors under the age of 18;
Violates any of the rules described in our Prohibited Items Policy.
Members may not use FanMaid services such as Messages, Favourites, or Collections to make inappropriate use of otherwise compliant content, whether overtly or through contextualisation. This includes, for example, the aggregation of content with the intent of sexualising minors.

Some content on FanMaid is subject to additional requirements. Please see below for more details.

Read more about how FanMaid search works, what factors impact search ranking, and how you can help optimise your listings and shop here and in The Ultimate Guide to FanMaid Search.

b. Privacy and Protecting Personal Information

You are responsible for protecting members’ personal information you receive or process, and you must comply with all relevant legal requirements. This includes applicable data protection and privacy laws that govern the ways in which you can use FanMaid user information. These laws may require that you post and comply with your own privacy policy, which must be accessible to FanMaid users with whom you interact. Your privacy policy must be compatible with this policy and FanMaid’s Terms of Use, and FanMaid's Privacy Policy.

In particular, when you sell using our Services (subject to this Policy) or use FanMaid’s API (also subject to the FanMaid API Terms of Use), you may receive and determine what to do with certain personal information, such as when communicating with users and entering into transactions with buyers. This means you process personal information (for example, buyer name, email address, and delivery address) and, to the extent you do so, under EU law, you are an independent controller of data relating to other users that you may have obtained through the Services. For more information on the General Data Protection Regulation, see more resources at https://gdpr-info.eu and http://gdprandyou.ie. As a data controller (that is someone who decides what personal data is collected and the purpose you’ll use the data for) to the extent that you process user personal information outside of the Services, you may be required under applicable data protection and privacy laws to honour requests received from such users for data access, portability, correction, deletion, and objections to processing. Also, if you disclose personal information without the buyer’s proper consent, you are responsible for that unauthorised disclosure. This includes, for example, disclosures you make or unintentional data breaches. For example, you may receive a buyer’s email address or other information as a result of entering into a transaction with that buyer. This information may only be used for FanMaid-related communications or for FanMaid-facilitated transactions. You may not use this information for unsolicited commercial messages or unauthorised transactions. Without the buyer’s consent, and subject to other applicable FanMaid policies and laws, you may not add any FanMaid member to your email or physical mailing list, use that buyer’s identity for marketing, or obtain or retain any payment information. Please bear in mind that you're responsible for knowing the standard of consent required in any given instance. If FanMaid and you are found to be joint data controllers of personal information, and if FanMaid is sued, fined, or otherwise incurs expenses because of something that you did in your capacity as a joint data controller of buyer personal information, you agree to indemnify, defend and hold FanMaid (and its employees, agents, consultants, subsidiaries, partners, affiliates, and licensors) harmless against any claims, costs, losses, damages, liabilities, judgements and expenses (including reasonable lawyer fees) in connection with your processing of buyer personal information.

For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.

c. Communication Standards

i. Messages

With FanMaid's "Messages", you have the ability to communicate directly with your buyers or other FanMaid members. Messages are a great way for buyers to ask you questions about an item or an order.

Messages may not be used for the following activities:

Sending unsolicited advertising or promotions, requests for donations or spam;
Harassing or abusing another member or violating our Anti-Discrimination Policy;
Contacting someone after they have explicitly asked you not to;  
Interfering with a transaction or the business of another member;
Exchanging personal contact, financial or other information for the purposes of evading the checkout process on FanMaid, including phone number, address, email, social media handles, external URLs, instructions for money transfer, etc.

Interference occurs when a member intentionally interferes with another member’s shop in order to drive away their business. Interference is strictly prohibited on FanMaid. Examples of interference include:

Contacting another member via Messages to warn them away from a particular member, shop, or item;
Posting in public areas to demonstrate or discuss a dispute with another member;
Purchasing from a seller for the sole purpose of leaving a negative review;
Maliciously clicking on a competitor's ads in order to drain that member's advertising budget, also known as "click fraud".
Creating or using an independent buyer account to maliciously up-vote another shop’s negative reviews in order to position those reviews more prominently.
Harassment and Discrimination

Any use of Messages to harass other members is strictly prohibited. Similarly, Messages may not be used to support or glorify hatred or otherwise violate our Anti-Discrimination Policy. If you receive a Message that violates this policy, please let us know right away.

ii. Forums and Teams

Forums and Teams are public spaces provided by FanMaid where sellers can connect, but there are communication standards that must be followed. More information can be found in the FanMaid Community Policy.

iii. Communicating Cancellations

If you are unable to complete a transaction, you must notify the buyer via Messages and cancel the transaction. If the buyer already submitted payment, you must issue a full refund. You are encouraged to keep proof of any refunds in the event a dispute arises. All cancellations are subject to our Cancellation Policy.

European Union Right of Withdrawal

Buyers in the European Union (EU), and in parallel buyers in the UK, may be entitled to a 14-day “right of withdrawal” after receiving an item, during which they may return an item for any or no reason. The details of this right vary by EU member state or in the UK. The right of withdrawal may not apply to certain items like custom items or perishable goods. Rights with respect to digital items vary by EU member state or in the UK. Read more about the EU and UK Right of Withdrawal in this Help article.

Please be aware that in addition to this policy, each country has its own laws surrounding delivery, cancellations, returns and exchanges. Please familiarise yourself with the laws of your own country and those of your buyers’ countries.

Sellers may still cancel an order and work toward a resolution with a buyer as they see fit for policies applied to their shops, such as the digital items policy.

3. Feedback, Cases and Your Success
a. Reviews

Reviews are a great way for you to build a reputation on FanMaid. Buyers can leave a review, including a one to five star rating and a photograph or video of their purchase, within 100 days after the latter date of their item’s estimated delivery date. If an estimated delivery date is not available, the review window opens after the order’s processing time and delivery time have elapsed. Buyers can edit their review, including the photograph or video, any number of times during that 100 day period.

On the rare occasion you receive an unfavourable review, you can reach out to the buyer or leave a response.

In addition to our rules for Creating and Uploading Content in Section 2a, reviews and your response to reviews may not:

Contain graphic, mature, or obscene language or imagery, or any content that is subject to our mature content policy;
Be about things outside the seller’s control, such as a delivery company, FanMaid or a third party;
Include shilling or otherwise falsely inflate a shop’s review score;  
Undermine the integrity of the Reviews system.
b. FanMaid’s Case System

The Case system is how a buyer notifies FanMaid of an order issue or dispute that they’re unable to resolve with a seller, in order for FanMaid to help them reach a resolution. Buyers must contact sellers directly via the Help with Order link and attempt to resolve any outstanding issues before opening a case on FanMaid. For this reason, it is important that you fill out your shop policies and regularly respond to Messages from your buyers. Once a buyer contacts you to notify you of a problem with an order, you will have 48 hours to resolve the issue. If the issue is unresolved in this time frame, a case may be opened by the buyer. Once a case has been opened, FanMaid will assist in the resolution of the case between the buyer and seller. This may include, but is not limited to, automatically closing the case and issuing a refund to the buyer, or reviewing the case further to help the buyer and seller resolve it as quickly as possible.

FanMaid reserves the right to resolve an order issue before the 48-hour window for circumstances including, but not limited to, seller inactivity, harassment, refusal of service, manipulation, and undermining the integrity of the case system.

Buyers may file a case for items that never arrive, arrive late or, arrive damaged, or do not match the listing description as part of FanMaid’s Purchase Protection Programme (for more information on case eligibility, click here. FanMaid may request your assistance in resolving a case opened against your shop. By using FanMaid’s case system, you understand that FanMaid may use your personal information for the purpose of resolving disputes with other members. For more information on our privacy policy, click here.

c. FanMaid's Purchase Protection Programme for Sellers

For certain cases, sellers are protected by FanMaid's Purchase Protection Programme. If the case falls outside of FanMaid's Purchase Protection Programme for Sellers, unless otherwise required by law, you will be required to refund the order, including original postage and return postage. FanMaid reserves the right to issue a refund to the buyer and recoup funds from your account, including your payment account reserve, if payment was made via FanMaid Payments.

d. Your Seller Account and FanMaid’s Terms

In order to keep FanMaid safe and improve our Services, we may take actions that limit the visibility of your shop, listings or ads, or that impact your payment account. In the event a shop sees unusual order activity, or we otherwise believe that your actions or shop may result in buyer disputes, chargebacks, increased risk of fraud, counterfeiting, or other claims, FanMaid may take actions such as limiting visibility of your account, placing restrictions or reserves on your payments account, or suspending your FanMaid account, in accordance with our Terms of Use, including this Policy and our FanMaid Payments Policy. When appropriate and permitted by law, FanMaid will communicate information to the affected seller about the issue.

In the event a shop sees an unusual spike in orders, particularly in a high demand category, a shop may see an increase or decrease in its search ranking. Often, if a shop sees an increase in fulfilled orders and good reviews, this may result in higher visibility and search rank. However, sometimes a rapid increase in orders can reduce visibility. Read more about how FanMaid search works, and what factors impact search ranking, and how you can help optimise your listings and shop hereand in The Ultimate Guide to FanMaid Search.

In addition, we may limit the visibility of listings or ads in the interest of keeping FanMaid safe, and improving our Services. For example, listings or ads may have decreased visibility because they include terms that represent a prohibited item or based on third party policies. These listings or ads may also be restricted from appearing in one or more features of the Services. While these listings or ads may have limited visibility, they are still discoverable in search.

FanMaid may make changes to onboarding or authentication processes for sellers at our sole discretion. Completion of these processes may be required for seller account activation or continued access and usage.

If FanMaid has reason to believe you, Your Content, or your use of the Services violate our Terms, including this Seller Policy, we may deactivate Your Content to some or all users, or suspend or terminate your account (and any accounts FanMaid determines are related to your account) and your access to the Services. Sellers in the European Union can see more information here. Generally, FanMaid will notify you that Your Content or account has been suspended or terminated, unless you’ve repeatedly violated our Terms or we have legal or regulatory reasons preventing us from notifying you.

Again, if you have any questions about the Terms or have concerns regarding Copyright, please email us at dmca@fanmaid.com

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